
We are dedicated to supporting the development of life-saving vaccines. We offer comprehensive clinical trial services to vaccine companies and we understand the critical role vaccines play in global health.  Our team of experienced clinical trial associate, managers and vaccine experts has a deep understanding of the unique challenges and complexities involved in vaccine Clinical Trials. Our unwavering commitment to quality and compliance ensures that your vaccine clinical trials meet all regulatory standards and adhere to best practices. We have a proven track record of successfully working on many vaccine candidates those are already in the market now.

You can see below some of the vaccine where we have work in recent time. Let us know how we can contribute in your biosimilar clinical development program.

Sr.NoType Of vaccinePhase of TrialStudy PopulationNo of Sites
1Liquid HexavalentPhase I481
2Japanese Encephalitis & Measles Mumps & RubellaPhase III5709
3Hepatitis BPMS5007
4DenguePhase I902
5Measles Mumps & Rubella VaccinePhase II/III8886
6Hepatitis APhase II/III5288
7TT VaccinePhase I401
8TT VaccinePhase II/III1804
9Td VaccinePhase II/III1204
10Covid-19Phase III3608
11ChikungunyaPhase I902
12Cholera VaccinePhase II/III3128


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