What is a CRO?

Clinical Research Organization is a Contract Research Organization that provides services to pharmaceutical, biotechnological and medical device industries on a contract basis. Various services are offered by clinical research organizations including Clinical Operations and Project Management, clinical data management, biostatistics, data analysis, quality assurance and patient recruitment. Therefore, clinical research organizations fill the gap between the development of new products and their regulatory approval.

Importance of CRO

Enhancing Drug Development

Contract Research Organization accelerates the drug development process by minimizing the receiving time for the new treatments to reach patients. Their competencies in clinical trial management and regulatory affairs ensure that the studies are performed effectively and meet all the required standards.

Cost Minimization

Clinical Research Organization provides scalable solutions to pharmaceutical and biotech companies that help in reducing clinical research expenses.

Site Selection and Management

Contract research organizations can find reliable trial sites, negotiate contracts with these sites, and offer continuous support to ensure that they comply with the protocols and regulatory guidelines. They also govern site budgets and handle site initiation, monitoring and regular visits.

Patient recruitment and retention

Clinical Research Organizations can build recruitment plans and services to gather reliable patients to take part in clinical trials. Clinical Research Organizations develop retention strategies in collaboration with the Investigator Sites, to keep patients involved and motivated to accomplish the study.

Clinical Data Management and Analysis

Contract Research Organizations maintain robust data management systems to capture, clean and analyze the data and offer statistical analysis to examine the safety and efficacy of the molecule being tested.

Regulatory Compliance

Clinical Research Organization assures that clinical trials are performed in compliance with regulatory requirements, including ICH-GCP guidelines. They also offer the service of regulatory submissions and communicate with regulatory authorities on behalf of pharmaceutical companies.

Role of CRO

  • Improving data quality and accuracy of clinical studies
  • Pharmacovigilance
  • Increasing trial participation among diverse populations
  • Timely recruitment of patients into trials
  • Collaborate on trial plans, budgets, and tools
  • CROs bring their expertise in clinical trial design and regulatory requirements to optimize the chances of success for the trial
  • CROs use updated advanced technologies and data management systems to ensure data integrity, accuracy, and confidentiality and make informed decisions about the safety and efficacy of intervention products
  • CROs encourage project managers, to coordinate with investigators and study sites to implement patient-centric trial designs and strategies to optimize trial processes and ensure the successful execution of patient-centric trials in accordance with the study protocol and regulatory guidelines.

Involvement of CRO in different stages of Clinical Trials

Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) are involved at each stage in the development and execution of clinical trials.

Preclinical Stage

CROs assist in preclinical study design including protocol development and animal model selection which provide insights from preclinical to clinical stage development in compliance with regulatory guidelines.

Phase I, II & III Clinical Trials

Sponsors collaborate with CROs to develop the protocol and related documents to obtain sufficient evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of investigational products in compliance with regulatory standards.

If the intervention/treatment/drug/medical devices successfully pass through clinical phases, then they will be approved by regulatory authorities to be released into the market for use in different populations.

CROs also conduct Post Marketing Surveillance including Real-world evidence and Pharmacovigilance studies in which they monitor and verify drug safety and effectiveness.

CROs manage all the activities starting from Site Selection, Patient Enrollment, and Data Management to the final Regulatory submission and approval.

Services provided by Clinical/Contract Research Organization

To conduct successful Clinical Trials, Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) play a crucial role in the clinical research field. They offer a wide range of services which include study design, protocol development, site selection, clinical trial operations, regulatory affairs, data management, biostatistics, project management and pharmacovigilance.

To ensure that the new drugs, devices and therapies are safe and effective, Clinical trials are very essential in the drug development process. Clinical Research Organizations are specialized service providers that offer a range of services to support clinical research projects.

Study design: Clinical Research Organizations have a good understanding of clinical trial regulations. They can guide on the most suitable study design. 

Protocol Development: Researchers can collaborate with Clinical Research Organizations to craft a clear and concise protocol to ensure that the research is clearly expressed and pertinent to science.

Site Selection: Contract Research Organizations utilize their network to discover sites with suitable patient demographics and experienced Investigators to conduct the research study successfully.

Clinical Trial Operations: Clinical Research Organizations have expertise in conducting day to day activities of the trial including patient recruitment and study conduct.

Regulatory Affairs: Submissions and approval from regulatory bodies are one of the major obstacles in the research landscape. Clinical Research Organizations are experienced in managing and communicating with regulatory bodies to make sure that the trials meet all the requirements.

Data Management: Contract Research Organizations are capable of providing data management-related services that serve as a base for any clinical studies. They collect, clean, validate and interpret data accurately.

Biostatistics: Biostatisticians collaborate with the project management team to determine the efficacy and effectiveness of clinical trials. It includes study design and study conduct to determine the most efficient data collection point. They also help to analyze the final data to derive the results of the clinical trial.

Statistical Programming Services: Statistical programming is one of the important services that Clinical Research Organizations provide. They ensure that the raw data collected from clinical trials are interpreted into meaningful insights with the help of  Statistical Programming to ensure the integrity, consistency and quality of data through an automation process.

Medical Affairs services: CRO’s Medical affairs team includes medical professionals who assist in preparing the Clinical Study Report for submission to regulatory agencies for obtaining final approval. They also coordinate for reporting any Adverse events or SAEs occurring during the clinical trial phase.


Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) play a significant role in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries by facilitating efficient and compliant clinical trials. We at Abiogenesis Clinpharm have the expertise, resources, and specialized knowledge to ensure that new therapies and treatments can progress from early development stages to market approval smoothly and safely. With our experienced team and commitment to quality, regulatory compliance, and patient safety, we can be an indispensable partner in advancing medical research and bringing innovative healthcare solutions to patients worldwide. In this dynamic world, collaboration of Abiogenesis Clinpharm with pharmaceutical companies and healthcare industry has leveraged specialized expertise to navigate the intricate path from drug discovery to post marketing surveillance with efficiency and integrity.

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